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SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling enzyme ATPases promote cell proliferation in normal mammary epithelial cells.. J Cell Physiol. 223(3):667-78.
2010. A tense situation: forcing tumour progression.. Nat Rev Cancer. 9(2):108-22.
2009. The tension mounts: mechanics meets morphogenesis and malignancy.. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 9(4):325-42.
2004. Three-dimensional context regulation of metastasis.. Clin Exp Metastasis. 26(1):35-49.
2009. The tissue microenvironment as an epigenetic tumor modifier.. Methods Mol Biol. 223:315-47.
2003. Tumor microenvironment and progression.. J Surg Oncol. 103(6):468-74.
2011. YAP forces fibroblasts to feel the tension.. Nat Cell Biol. 15(6):570-2.