Congratulations to Matthew Paszek (now at Cornell University) and all other authors on their recent publication in Nature!
Filamin A-beta1 integrin complex tunes epithelial cell response to matrix tension.. Mol Biol Cell. 20(14):3224-38.
2009. Molecular profiling of prostatic acinar morphogenesis identifies PDCD4 and KLF6 as tissue architecture-specific prognostic markers in prostate cancer.. Am J Pathol. 182(2):363-74.
2013. Morphogenesis: Laying down the tracks.. Nat Mater. 11(6):490-2.
2012. Multiscale modeling of form and function.. Science. 324(5924):208-12.
2009. The tension mounts: mechanics meets morphogenesis and malignancy.. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 9(4):325-42.
2004. Tissue phenotype depends on reciprocal interactions between the extracellular matrix and the structural organization of the nucleus.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 95(25):14711-6.