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The organizing principle: microenvironmental influences in the normal and malignant breast.. Differentiation. 70(9-10):537-46.
2002. Tumour-stromal interactions. Integrins and cell adhesions as modulators of mammary cell survival and transformation.. Breast Cancer Res. 3(4):224-9.
2001. Tumor microenvironment and progression.. J Surg Oncol. 103(6):468-74.
2011. HOXA9 regulates BRCA1 expression to modulate human breast tumor phenotype.. J Clin Invest. 120(5):1535-50.
2010. Matrix crosslinking forces tumor progression by enhancing integrin signaling.. Cell. 139(5):891-906.
2009. YAP forces fibroblasts to feel the tension.. Nat Cell Biol. 15(6):570-2.
2013. Structural cues from the tissue microenvironment are essential determinants of the human mammary epithelial cell phenotype.. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 3(2):201-13.
1998. Rapid disorganization of mechanically interacting systems of mammary acini.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(2):658-63.
2014. The tissue microenvironment as an epigenetic tumor modifier.. Methods Mol Biol. 223:315-47.
2003. CpG island tumor suppressor promoter methylation in non-BRCA-associated early mammary carcinogenesis.. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 18(3):901-14.
2009. beta4 integrin-dependent formation of polarized three-dimensional architecture confers resistance to apoptosis in normal and malignant mammary epithelium.. Cancer Cell. 2(3):205-16.
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