Congratulations to Matt Rubashkin and coauthors on their publication in Cancer Research!
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Multicellular architecture of malignant breast epithelia influences mechanics.. PLoS One. 9(8):e101955.
2014. Molecular profiling of prostatic acinar morphogenesis identifies PDCD4 and KLF6 as tissue architecture-specific prognostic markers in prostate cancer.. Am J Pathol. 182(2):363-74.
2013. MT1-MMP-dependent control of skeletal stem cell commitment via a β1-integrin/YAP/TAZ signaling axis.. Dev Cell. 25(4):402-16.
2013. Morphogenesis: Laying down the tracks.. Nat Mater. 11(6):490-2.
2012. Matrix crosslinking forces tumor progression by enhancing integrin signaling.. Cell. 139(5):891-906.
2009. Mechanics, malignancy, and metastasis: the force journey of a tumor cell.. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 28(1-2):113-27.
2009. Multiscale modeling of form and function.. Science. 324(5924):208-12.
2009. Mammary epithelial cell: influence of extracellular matrix composition and organization during development and tumorigenesis.. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 39(11):1987-94.
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